Czarina Zelathune's Attire & Apparel

Our merchandise acts as a platform from which to launch your magick

Z(enseider)Z musick

The Kindred Disorder of the Octarine Siblinghood

is proud to present

Czarina Zelathune's Attire and Apparel

Our products are simple, humble, universally styled, and well-constructed articles of everyday casualwear designed to promote feeling comfortable at home and stylish on the go, yet with a surplus of eccentric attention to detail that adds mystique to your underlying aesthetic.

In our tiny catalog, you will find sigil stickers you can use to empower a given locale, structure, entity, tool, or gadget. Place the sticker near your target to allow it to soak up all the peripheral attention it'll receive from people who pass by, giving your connected working some much-needed juice.

Our clothing collection includes energetic capacitance garments, which are the material basis for various enchantments. We use our clothes to launch our ritual processes and qualify our spell designs. The same process also gives birth to egregores and magickal currents.



Kindred Disorder of the Octarine Siblinghood

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